
வலை இணைப்புகளின் பார்வை குறிப்பு

National Disaster Management Authority http://www.ndma.gov.in/
India disaster Resource Network https://idrn.nidm.gov.in/
Natural Disaster management India. Provides current news on Flood, Drought and Cyclones, Weather Links from NIC and weather conditions/temperatures on Indian Ocean https://ndmindia.mha.gov.in/
Indian Meteorological Department www.imd.gov.in
Indian Meteorological Department Chennai www.imdchennai.gov.in
Regional specialised meteorological centre-tropical cyclones for north indian ocean www.rsmcnewdelhi.imd.gov.in
Indian National Centre for Ocean Information Services http://www.incois.gov.in/Incois/tsunami/
Pacific Tsunami Museum site. Includes answers to frequently asked questions, links and information related to Pacific Ocean tsunamis
Central Water Commission of India
Ministry of Environment and Forests
National Institute of Disaster Management http://www.nidm.gov.in
Department of Science and Technology http://dst.gov.in
Geological Survey of India https://www.gsi.gov.in
Puducherry Government Websites http://py.gov.in
Incorported Research Institution of Seismology https://www.iris.edu/hq/