
பாதிக்கப்படக்கூடிய பகுதிகள்


Vulnerability is defined as “the extent to which a community, structure, service, or geographic area is likely to be damaged or disrupted by the impact of particular hazard, on account of their nature, construction and proximity to hazardous terrain or a disaster prone areas”. The concept of vulnerability therefore leads to calculation of risk. Risk management would therefore mean the level of social and economic ability to cope with the resulting event in order to resist major disruption or loss. This susceptibility and vulnerability to each type of threat will depend on its respective differing characteristics.

2. The rainfall data and water holding capacity of different tanks mentioned in the previous chapter give knowledge to what extent the community withstands the flood situation. But it is not predictable in respect of low lying areas where the habitation exists as the situation not only depends on the rainfall but to what extent the area has been facilitated in draining the rainwater. Therefore in order to have periodical maintenance and to monitor the situation during rainy season list of low lying areas is given in the Annexure – V.

3. Those who are vulnerable have to be given top priorities, immediate relief and rehabilitation has to be effected without much delay. Preparedness and prevention measures are cast upon more particularly on PWD and Local Administration Department and their duties and responsibility are enunciated in the various chapters in this manual.