
Fisheries and Fishermen Welfare

Karaikal District has 10 fishing hamlets with the coastal Belt spreading to 24 kms. Nearly 3000 Fisherman families are residing here and they solely dependent upon the fishing for their livelihood. With a view to uplift their life and also increase the fish production the Govt. of Puducherry created a separate Department in 1955 under the name of Fisheries Department. Since then the Govt. has been implementing various Welfare Schemes exclusively for fisher folk Subsidies are being given to fisherman such as Diesel, purchase of boats, fishing nets etc.

The Fish Farmers Development Agency (FFDA), Co-operative societies were also created to cater the needs of the Fisherman. The Fisheries Department is striving hard to create a blue revolution by encouraging the fisherman to follow modern technology in fishing. More Iceplant have been set up to preserve the fish for a long period.  In short, Karaikal region has captured a unique  place in the Marine  Map of India.